Vision Mission


We envision to be the pursuit of excellence in teaching, learning, research, and extension of knowledge through higher education and producing ‘life and career ready’ professionals with leadership quality, who are ready to challenge and be challenged.


  • To promote scholarly, scientific and critical inquiry among the learners to move forward in the frontiers of knowledge and enrich and elevate them
  • To be innovative, inclusive and international University; committed to excellence in teaching, research and knowledge transfer and to serve the social, cultural and economic needs of the nation".
  • To innovate and offer educational programmes in various disciplines with synergistic interaction with the industry and society.
  • To provide opportunity, inspire and motivate students to take interdisciplinary research to solve the complex societal problems with the help of other departments to build the real progressive nation.
  • To impart knowledge and skills to students equipping them to be ready to face the emerging challenges to the knowledge area.
  • To provide equal opportunity to women students and prepare them to be equal partners in meeting the scientific and technological demands of the nation.
  • To contribute to the advancement to knowledge through applied research leading to newer products and process.
  • To prepare the students to work for societal transformation with commitment to justice and equality.
  • To inculcate among students a global vision with skills of international competence.

Core Values

  • GHRU insists the pulsating value of Creative Excellence upon the Academia and Administration leading to resoundingly sustained inventive pursuits in propelling new knowledge, superior learning and rewarding innovation.
  • GHRU inculcates the stimulating value of Community Equity upon all Stakeholders and Neighbourhood-communities as a means of advancing a social order that cares for /shares with the disadvantaged and works for societal up-lift.
  • GHRU injects the synergizing value of Competence Eminence upon Students/Scholars to acquire ‘the best- the most- the choicest learning/skills, by oneself and/or aligning with compatible collaborators to sport global competences.
  • Naturally follows a life style that marks and evokes honesty, modesty, novelty, precocity, simplicity and sagacity.