Under DAE-Societal Initiated ‘AKRUTI’ Programme, the technology deployment exclusively in rural
sector is offered in the form of technology package called AKRUTI Tech Pack consisting of technologies
and technical consultancy service at an affordable price. The objective of this initiative is to
encourage rural centric techno-entrepreneurship at all levels in society, with emphasis on inclusive
rural development.
On 14th of September 2018, GHRU (GH Raisoni University) and BARC (Bhabha Atomic Research Centre)
entered into an Agreement that enabled the University to procure technologies from BARC for social
purposes through BARC’s AKRUTI-KRUTIK-FORCE Programme. While GHRU has initiated the project of
adopting five villages with an aim to transform them for better under its Cillage AHEAD programme.
Programme aims to create structured and scalable network of technology nodes in rural areas providing
easy access to modern technologies to all villagers in their own villages.