
Governing Body

Sr. No. Name of Person Statutory Provision Designation & Name of Organization Chairman / Member
1 Shri. Sunil Raisoni The Chancellor shall be the Ex-officio Chairperson Chancellor, G H Raison University Chairman
2 Dr. Meena Rajesh The Vice-Chancellor Vice-Chancellor, G H Raisoni University Member
3 Dr. Ashish Tiwari Eminent person nominated by the Sponsoring Body out of whom at least one shall be an eminent educationist Professor, VNIT, Nagpur Member
4 Dr. Promod Shinde Eminent person nominated by the Sponsoring Body out of ‘whom at least one shall be an eminent educationist. Senior Scientist, CIMSRI, Bhavnagar, Gujarat Member
5 Dr, Sanjay Bhoyar Eminent person nominated by the Sponsoring Body out of whom at least one shall be an eminent educationist. Professor, PDKV, Akola Member
6 Shri. Kanhai Ram Raghuvanshi Distinguish person nominated by the Visitor out of the panel of six names submitted by the State Government. Former President, Nagar Palika Nigam. Chhindwara Member
7 Shri. Shishir Bisen Distinguish person nominated by the Visitor out of the panel of six names submitted by the State Government Development officer, National Insurance Company Ltd. Member
8 Dr.P.R Chandelkar Distinguish person nominated by the Visitor out of the panel of | six names submitted by the State ‘Government Principal, Govt. PG. College, Parasia Member
9 Dr. Shriram Joshi The Registrar will be the Member Secretary of the Governing Body. Registrar, G H Raisoni University Member Secretary

Board of Management

Sr. No Name of Person Designation Position
l. Dr. Meena Rajesh Vice-Chancellor. G H Raisoni University Chairperson
2. Dr. Sachin Untawale CEO, Raisoni Education Chancellors Nominee
3. Mr. Ashwin Pande Director HR, Raisoni Education Chancellors Nominee
4. Dr. Ashish Joshi External Member Govt. Nominee
5. Dr. Arvind Bodhe Dean, School of Engineering Technology Member
6. Dr. Kevin Gawali Dean, School of Agriculture Sciences Member
7. Dr. D.C. Sahu Dean, School of Pharmacy Member
8. Dr. Gyaneshwar Barde HOD, School of Nursing Member
9. Dr. Pawan Bhadang HOD, Commerce & Management Member
10. Dr. Vidhya Meshram Dean. School of Sciences Member
11. Dr. Shriram Joshi Registrar. G H Raisoni University Member Secretary

Academic Council

Sr. No Name of Person Designation Position
1. Dr. Meena Rajesh Vice-Chancellor. G H Raisoni University Chairperson
2. Dr. Asha Khanna State Government Nominee Member
3. Dr. Milind Umekar Vice-Chancellor Nominee Member
4. Dr. Dhirendra Khare Vice-Chancellor Nominee Member
5. Dr. Sachin Untawale Chancellor Nominee, Raisoni Education Member
6. Mr. Ashwin Pande Chancellor Nominee, Raisoni Education Member
7. Dr. Arvind Bodhe Dean, School of Engineering & Management Member
8. Dr. Kewin Gawali Dean, School of Agriculture Sciences Member
9. Dr. D.C Sahu Dean, School of Pharmacy Member
10. Dean, School of Law Member
11. Dr. Gyaneshwar Barde HOD, School of Nursing Member
12. Dr. Pawan Bhandag HOD, School of Commerce & Management Member
13. Dr. Vidhya Meshram Dean, School of Science Member
14. Dr. Shrikant Thote Dean Academics Member
15. Prof. Sunil R. Gupta Controller of Examination Member
16. Mr. Anup Kakade Student Member Representative Member
17. Mr. Mayank Rabade Student Member Representative Member
18. Dr. Shriram Joshi Registrar, G H Raisoni University Member Secretary

Research Advisory Board

Sr. No. Name of Person & Position Chairman /Member
1 Dr. Meena Rajesh, Vice Chancellor, GHRU, Saikheda M.P. Chairman
2 Dr. Dheeraj S. Deshmukh, Dean Research, GHRU Member Secretory
3 Dr. M. Ravi Sankar, Associate Professor of Mechanical Engineering, IIT, Tirupati -517619 External Member
4 Dr. Mayur Parate, Associate Professor, IIIT, Nagpur External Member
5 Dr. Surendra Pannase, Principal Scientist and KVK Head, JNKVV, Chhindwara External Member
6 Dr. Pradeep Dawane, Principal Scientist, PDKV, Katol, Nagpur External Member
7 Dr. Rajpal Singh Kashyap, Research Director Central India Institute of Medical Sciences, Nagpur External Member
8 Dr. Pawan Krishan, Professor, Department of Pharmaceutical Sciences, Panjabi University, Patiala External Member
9 Dr. Geeta Chawala, Professor, School of Pharmaceutical Education & Research, Jamia Hamdard University, New Delhi External Member
10 Dr. Shriram Joshi, Registrar, GHRU Internal Member
11 Dr. Jignesh Doshi, Dean- CIRD, GHRU Internal Member
12 Mrs. Vidhya Meshram, Dean, School of Science, GHRU Internal Member
13 Dr. Arvind Bodhe, Dean, SOET, GHRU Internal Member
14 Dr. Kevin Gawali, Dean, SOAS, GHRU Internal Member
15 Dr. Raman Chandak, Dean, School of Pharmacy, GHRU Internal Member
16 Dr. Sandeep Petkar, Dean, IIE, GHRU Internal Member
17 Dr. Narsimhachary Damanapeta, Head, Incubation Centre, GHRU Internal Member

Academic Key Functionaries

Dr. Arvind Bodhe
Dr. Arvind Bodhe

Dean, School of Engineering & Technology

Dr. Kevin Gawli
Dr. Kevin Gawli

Dean, School of Agricultural Sciences

 Dr. Raman Chandak
Dr. Raman Chandak

Dean , School of Pharmacy

Dr.Nitya Nand Pandey
Dr. Nitya Nand Pandey

Dean, School of Law

 Dr. Pavan Bhadang
Dr. Pavan Bhadang

HoD, School of Commerce & Management

Mrs. Vidya Meshram
Mrs. Vidya Meshram

Dean, School of Science

Dr. K Anilet Anandhy
Dr. K Anilet Anandhy

Dean , School of Nursing

Mr. Gyaneshwar Barde
Mr. Gyaneshwar Barde

HOD, School of Nursing

Administrative Key Functionaries

Dr. Shriram Joshi
Dr. Shriram Joshi


 CA Dhiraj Moryani
CA Dhiraj Moryani


Prof. Sunil R. Gupta
Prof. Sunil R. Gupta

Controller of Examinations

Shrikant Thote
Mr. Shrikant Thote

Dean Academics

 Dr. Adheer A. Goyal
Dr. Adheer A. Goyal

Dean Admissions & Outreach

Dr.Narsimhachary Damanpeta
Dr. Narsimhachary Damanpeta

Dean Research & Development

Mr. Manohar Golait
Mr. Manohar Golait


Dr. Jignesh Doshi
Dr. Jignesh Doshi

Director, Interdisciplinary Research Centre

Dr. Vishal Patle
Dr. Vishal Patle

Chief Medical Officer

Ms. Anju Naidu
Ms. Anju Naidu

Dean III

Dr. Sandeep Petkar
Dr. Sandeep Petkar

Dean IIE

Dr. Arvind Bodhe
Dr. Suhasini Dafe


Anmol Dhawande
Anmol Dhawande

Dean Student Development

Mr. Ashwin Khadse
Dr. Samyak Parekar

Dean Training & Placement

Mr. Ganesh Derkar
Mr. Ganesh Derkar

Dean Open & Distance Learning

Dr. Snehal Datarkar
Dr. Snehal Datarkar

Dean Alumni

Mr. Sanjay Das
Mr. Sanjay Das

Dean Planning & Development

Mr. Navneet Suryawanshi
Mr. Navneet Suryawanshi


Mr. Ashish Gatbhande
Mr. Ashish Gatbhande

IT Head

Mr. Sanjay Kaduskar
Mr. Sanjay Kaduskar

Sports Head


Caste-Based Discrimination (CBD) Cell

G H Raisoni University, provides everybody with equal opportunity in its fold irrespective of caste, religion, language or based on gender. The University ensures that every individual inside the campus exercises equal rights and acquires them in the process of offering or receiving an education. Any act, speech or intentions that perturb the harmony among the people is seriously regarded and dealt with on an immediate basis to restore the peace. The committee also proactively works towards caste based discrimination policies, grievance redressal procedure, and sensitization programs for incoming and current students.

This is notified to all the staff members, faculty members, officers and the student community that instances of caste discrimination on the ground of social origin have come to the notice of the UGC in higher education institutes in the country, which is in itself an illegal offense. So all should desist from such an act of discrimination.

Objectives of the Cell
  • This cell will look after the related matters (if any) of depriving a student/staff or group of students on the basis of caste, creed, language, ethnicity, gender, different ability.
  • This cell always tries to uphold the dignity of the University by addressing the concerns (if any) brought to the notice related to equality in offering or receiving education inside the campus.
  • This cell ensures a conducive environment for academic growth of the students belonging to the University.
  • This cell protects the rights of individuals without any prejudice to their appearance or lifestyle in the process of learning at the University.
  • This cell protects the rights of individuals without any prejudice to their appearance or lifestyle in the process of learning at the University.
  • The Cell shall eliminate discrimination against or harassment of any individual in all forms by prohibiting it and by providing preventive and protective measures to facilitate its eradication and punishments for those who indulge in any form of discrimination or harassment.
  • The management of G H Raisoni University appeals that officials/faculty members should not indulge in any kind of discrimination against students of any community or category.
  • A committee has been constituted to have a close watch on the non - occurrence of such incidents.
  • The individuals/victim can register their complaints in the Complaints Register, in the office of Registrar Sir.
  • Serious and unrelenting action will be taken against the erring official.

Internal Complaint Committee
Prevention of Caste Based Discrimination

Following are official/faculty and students from respective schools, who are the members of Internal Complaint Committee-Prevention of Caste-Based Discrimination for the session 2019-2020.

Name of School Name of faculty Contact No. E-Mail ID Position
School of Engineering & Technology Dr. Shrikant Thote 9371271227 In-Charge
School of Pharmacy Dr. DC Sahu 9713975500 Dimak.sahiva@izhtieliin Seeretary
School of Commerce & Management Dr. Adheer A. Goyal 8446640020 Member
School of Agriculture Sciences Prof. Amol Nagmote 8149796256 Member
School of Engineering & technology Dr, Narsimhachary Damanapeta 8093181784 Member
School of Engineering & Technology Anirudh Chaudhari 9302567620, Student Member
School of Pharmacy Prachi G Dhoke 9359146937 Student Member
School of Commerce & Management Shruti Kirpane 9049995714 Student Member
School of Agriculture Piyush sanjay Jawanjal 9529668995 Student Member

Opportunity Cell
Committee Members:
1 Dr. Meena Rajesh Chairman
2 Dr. Shriram Joshi Member Secretary
3 Prof. Manohar Golait Dean IQAC
4 Dr. D C Sahu Dean SOP
5 Dr. Arvind Bodhe Dean SOCM
6 Dr. Kevin Gawali Dean SOAS
7 Dr. Vidhya Meshram Dean SOS
8 Dr. Pawan Bhadang HOD SOCM
9 Dr. Gyaneshwar Barde HOD SON
10 Dr. Narsimha Chary Dean Research
Anti Ragging Committee

Important Officers

  • RTI: Details of central Public Information Officer (CPIO) and appellate Authority (wherever applicable)
  • Dr. Shriram Joshi -