Sports teaches you character, it teaches you to play by the rules, it teaches you to
know what
it feels like to win and lose-it teaches you about life.” - Billie Jean King
Inevitably Sports and Games make an indispensable part of the curriculum of our University.
It is the
carrier of a healthy mind, a healthy body and a free soul. Sports aid in the development of
social skills
and reduce stress. It also makes sure that cooperation and coordination becomes the part and
parcel of the
lives of the student.
The attributes we eye on
- An environment which motivates students
- An optimism which never ceases to enlighten their lives
- The team work which nurtures them on every track
- The sportsman spirit which once ingested never leaves them
As the Pioneer University is providing holistic education, we have the best sports facility
with us to
take care of all of the above