
Message from Controller of Examination

For any preeminent educational institution across the country the trademark is to provide quality education which creates innovative, self-motivated and vibrant professionals who serves the society. Examination is a rational way of retrieving the knowledge that student possesses of a relevant course or subject. The result should echo the series of enrichments, each raising the individual to an advanced level of responsiveness, understanding and affiliation prominent to the complete progress of an individual and thereby underwrite the dynamic growth of the state and the country.

GHRU’s mission has always been to impart not only the world class education, supported by rich experienced best of faculty, but also the environment that nurtures the holistic progress with prominence on character building. Preparing for examination is like exercising. The process of searching through one's memory and retrieving the relevant information braces the memory trail for forthcoming uses. Making best use of the resources to acquire the globally accepted education, that makes you ready for present as well as for the future challenges.

I wish all the students all best for your future and for your success.

Prof. Sunil R . Gupta
Controller of Examinations

Objectives of Office of Examination

  • To create awareness of assessment process and practices of the University to the students and the faculty through orientation programmes.
  • To process and manage examinations as per the regulations of University and the academic calendar in line with the statutory and regulatory bodies.
  • To liaison with various Deaneries and implement department specific assessments that guarantee security and confidentiality as per the university guidelines.
  • To ensure the process of awarding Degrees for various programmes adhering to agreed timelines and the University regulations.
  • To continually improve assessment practices through stake holder engagement by innovative initiatives to enhance the quality of teaching and learning process in the University

Evaluation Pattern & Guidelines

Examination scheme:(Internal and External Evaluation)
  • Each student appears in the examination of theory/practical and continuous comprehensive examination system (CCE)/ internal assessment. The internal assessments are held in the manner prescribed from time to time in the scheme.
  • Submits the job internship certificate/ Project Report, if notified by the syllabus/ scheme of examination.
  • Receives in-plant training if prescribed by the Syllabus/Scheme of examination.
  • The university has incorporated onscreen valuation system for evaluation of ESE theory examinations. External Evaluation is done after the end of every semester/ year for all those theory and practical courses as prescribed by the Syllabus/ Schemes / Scheme of examination of the various programs run at the university.
  • The unsuccessful Regular Students of End semester Examination are allowed for Re- examination which is conducted within 15 days of declaration of result.
  • Students have to be present for at least for one external examination of End semester to be allowed to appear for Re- examination, however in some exceptional cases Hon Vice Chancellor exercising her/his power can allow students to appear for Re- examination.
  • Those candidates who fail in re- examination can appear to supplementary examination with the next semester examination.
  • Students who have missed their end semester examination can directly appear at supplementary examination as ex- students.
  • Promotion to next semester would be finalized after the re- exam of subsequent End semester Examination as per notification number 4 issued by the university.
  • Standard of Passing- Minimum marks for passing the examination: Examinees are not declared to have passed unless S/he secures at least 40% marks in each head of passing theory/ practical/Sessional/ Mid-term examination in each semester and in aggregate of all the semesters. However for programs under PCI, ICAR, AICTE, MCI, NCTE, Bar Council of India, (Apex Bodies) their rules from time to time are applicable.
    1. Important Dates
    2. Timetables
    3. Result (Disabled)
Evaluation Pattern & Guidelines

Award of Degree and Diploma

Award of Degree and Diploma (2021)
Sr. No. Name of School Diploma Graduate Post Graduate
1 School of Agriculture 2 200 10
2 School of Commerce and Management _ 26 9
3 School of Engineering & Technology 9 44 5
4 School of Pharmacy 28 57 _
5 School of Law _ _ _
6 School of Science _ 54 29
7 Total 39 381 53
Grand Total=473
Award of Degree and Diploma (2019-20)
Sr. No. Name of School Diploma Graduate Post Graduate
1 School of Agriculture 8 26 13
2 School of Commerce and Management _ 18 7
3 School of Engineering & Technology 10 36 _
4 School of Pharmacy 50 _ _
5 School of Law _ _ 10
6 School of Science _ 4 17
7 Total 68 84 47
Grand Total=199


Choice based credit system (CBCS), provides a learning platform wherein the student or knowledge seeker has the flexibility to choose their course from a list of elective, core and soft skill courses. This is a student-centric approach to learning or acquiring higher education.

The conventional system of Higher Education didn’t give much scope to students. The course and content was predefined, redundant and was not up- to date. For students to apply their knowledge base later in their work environment, business or life; the conventional isolated courses lacked contemporary appropriateness.

Choice Based Credit System not only opens pathways for learning opportunities but also manifest learning goals and objectives. CBCS follows a credit system which is attached to course components offered to students. A credit system for higher education measures various parameters like student performance, outcomes, entrepreneurship skills, contact hours, innovation and creativity talents, etc.

This CBCS system is an initiative of University Grants Commission (UGC); which enhances and promotes educational liberalization of existing conventional higher education models

Advantages of Choice Based Credit System (CBCS)
  • The student has an option to choose inter/multi-disciplinary courses too
  • Based on the IQ level of individual student; a mentor guides students to select courses.
  • It promotes group work, research and community involvement.
  • It gives prospects to the learner to earn certification through a walk-in/walk-out approach.
  • Provides students with greater flexibility in choice of courses
  • Students can choose courses at basic or advanced level
  • Learners acquire job oriented skills
  • Students progress at their own tempo
  • Highly motivated students get the chance to gain extra credits
  • CBCS System not only bridges the gap between professional and social exposure but provides holistic education.
Features Of CBCS System
  • Credits can be transferred if the student changes his/her branch of study.
  • CBCS is a step towards moving away from numerical marking to grading.
  • Grading minimizes the stigma of "fail".
  • The credit based grading system is considered desirable because it facilitates student mobility across institutions within the country and across other countries. Potential employers can thus assess performance of students, judicially.
The Meaning Of Choice Based Credit System (CBCS) In Brief
  • CHOICE BASED- Choice of multiple courses
  • GRADING- Marks secured is in letter grade format
  • SEMESTER- Learner- Teacher Engagement Quotient can be measured/ identified semester-wise
  • CREDIT- Class hours per week carries additional importance in credit system
  • ASSESSMENT- In the form of class room attendance, Mid Term Tests etc; is continuous and wide-ranging.
UGC has introduced a 10-point grading system as follows:
O (Outstanding) 10
A+ (Excellent) 9
A (Very Good) 8
B+ (Good) 7
B (Above Average) 6
C (Average) 5
P (Pass) 4
F (Fail) 0
Ab (Absent) 0
Credits are calculated keeping in mind the following components
  • Lecture (L)
  • Tutorial (T)
  • Practical (P)

The course may have all components of evaluation or combination of any two; listed above. Although CBCS system is tried and tested, it sometimes lacks accurate estimation of marks. Teachers are further challenged to keep pace with many courses. This system furthers confusion among students; as each student has a different timetable and course of study. Nonetheless, CBCS system is flexible and student - centric, this approach matches today’s demands of the student/learner community.

Result Analysis

Academic Toppers

School of Agriculture Science
School of Engineering & Technology
School of Law
School of Pharmacy
School of Science
School of Commerce & Management

Examination Circulars

View Result

Winter 2024 Regular
Summer 2024 Ex-Student / Supplementary / Re-Exam

Summer 2024 Regular

School of Law

Winter 2023 Re-Exam
Winter-2023 EX-Student / Supplementary
Winter-2023 Regular

Summer-2023 Regular

Summer-2023 Re-Exam/Supplementary
Summer-2022 Re-Exam
Winter-2022 Re-Exam
Winter-2022 Regular

Winter-2022 Supplementary

Summer-2022 Re-Exam
Summer - 2022 Regular

Summer - 2022 Supplementary