

Our library is the central hub of the university, well-equipped to support and facilitate teaching, learning and research programmes of the Institute. Well stocked with the latest books, CD/DVDs and research publications, the library is open to all students, faculty members and employees. The print collection includes books, monographs, research reports, law reports, and back volumes of periodicals etc. In addition to the professional reading the library provides a good amount of leisure reading and books for soft skills development. All subjects related to the University's academic and research programmes have been included in the collection. The library is also developing a core collection of media resources comprising of documentaries, training films, fiction, music, etc.

Central Library

Dear Students,

Welcome to the G H Raisoni University, Central Library. The aim of the Library is to provide the most effective lending, references, proactive, current awareness and information provision services according to present and future needs of the users. Also, our Library provides to maintain and develop access to Digital collections.

The library supports the academic programmes of our college through collections and services, which enable the students and the faculty to access, update their knowledge and information resources. This support empowers our customers to develop the information and technological competencies necessary to achieve their educational, research and professional goals

This enables them to succeed in the workforce and apply lifelong learning skills. In coming years, library will be delivering much more user-focused and technologically sophisticated services, designed to meet the contemporary information needs of the students and the staff.

Mr. Kamlesh Shende
In-Charge, Library

Rules & Regulations

Membership Rules for Library

The following are entitled to enroll themselves as Library members:

  • Enrolled Students of GHRU, Saikheda
  • Faculty Members Visiting Faculty
  • Contractual or Temporary Staff Member
  • Officers & Staff Members
  • Research Scholars and Research Associates
  • Externals can take library membership under the 'External Membership '

Those who intend to use the Library facilities are required to enroll themselves as members by filling the prescribed form along with one recent Passport size Photograph. The form must be recommended or approved by the respective Head of the Department.

Membership Card

The Library Card issued to the registered members is strictly non-transferable. The Card shall be issued in laminated form. The date of validity shall be indicated on the Card.

Loss of Library Card

Members shall be responsible for the loss and misuse of Library Card. A member who loses his/her Card shall make a written report to the Librarian. Duplicate card will be issued at the cost of Rs. 100/-

Issue & Return of Books
  • Books other than reference books will be issued to student members for a period of 15 days only. For teachers, the loan period is one full semester
  • Reference Books, Encyclopaedias, Hand Books, Dictionaries, Periodicals, Student Project Report, Dissertations, Theses and Back Volumes will not be issued and THEY ARE ONLY FOR REFERENCE
  • For renewal, books have to be presented physically at the library counter
  • Members, before leaving the counter must satisfy themselves as to whether the books, which they intend to borrow, are in good condition and any damage/marking should be
  • immediately reported to the Librarian failing which the member to whom the book was issued will be held responsible
  • Books that are in special demand shall be lent for shorter periods as may be necessary and book lent out may be recalled at any time, if required
  • Absence will not be accepted as an excuse for the delay in the return of books.