GHRU offers a two-year Diploma course in Fire Service and Engineering which trains and prepares the students to handle and cope with real-life situations with fortitude and boldness to protect and safeguard others in distress in case of a fire incident. At GHRU, our trainees (students, are coached to use the principles and standards of science and engineering to defend and shield the people and surroundings around them from the damaging impact caused by fire and smoke.
For students who wish to opt for Diploma in Fire Service & Engineering, below given is the eligibility criteria:
Study at GHRU for a successful future & drive your career in the right direction with our Diploma Fire Service & Engineering programs
The career scope of a Diploma Fire Service & Engineering is very bright and promising. A D.Pharm certificate enables the individual to practice as a pharmacist in India. Thus they get many job opportunities in various institutions as well as at various positions. Or else they can also go for higher education and establish a stronger grip on the subject.
Here are some courses to consider after finishing the Diploma in Fire Safety & Industrial Environmental Engg. Students can opt for:
After the students have completed their Diploma in Fire Service & Engg, they can work in public and private sectors depending on their preferences.
Some of the Fire Service & Engg options are: